Job application by Ellie

I strongly believe I would be the best zookeeper in the history of zoo keepers.You would not be disappointed if you hired me.

Knowing all the habitats for every single animal I also know all about the special feeding treatments.Training is also an important part of an animals routine,which I’m happy to do.Caring for the animals is also a vital part of the job.As observant as I am,I will notice all the suspicious activities and the unknown movements of any of the monsters from Nilth.

I am all you need,I can do it all for you.

Job application by Max

I hear you are looking for a new zoo keeper, well stop right there for I firmly believe you have found the right man for the job…me. Here are some reasons you should consider me worthy: I am very observant and can notice the slightest changes in behaviour. I am very protective and will nurture animals as they grow. I own many pets at home as a result of this I know everything there is to be known about animals. With all due respect I believe I will make the best zoo keeper in the history of zoo keeping!

Job application by Jamie-Leigh

I strongly believe I would be the best zoo keeper in the history of zoo keeping. My amazing qualities are as followed;
1: I am observant
2: I have had experience with animals
3: I have had experience with night jobs
4: I won’t let you down
In all fairness I’m sure you are fabulous at your job, but I know you are looking for applicants of this job so use you knowledge and employ me. Why would you employe anyone else?
As I am observant I shall be aware of any suspiciousness activities, any unusual movements and any weird, strange or unknown creatures. Which makes me doubly aware of the creatures of ninth coming.

Night zookeeper by Jake

I hear you are looking for a smart zookeeper. Well I’m the person for the job. If you choose me I will feed all of the animals so you don’t have to do it. I will also help you to fight the monsters of Nilth. As well who are the monsters of Nilth? What harm do they do? Also if I got the job I will be there all day everyday so you will not be worried about your loving animals. So would you pick me for the job. Finally if I got picked you could have days off.

The zookeeper by Connor

I believe I am the greatest zookeeper in the history of zookeepers. Who would be better then me at this job? I have been a zookeeper in the past and I was always getting praised for that. You could give me a trail, but in my opinion I think I will pass and get a job. This was my dream and it would mean a lot to me. Also I am brave and everybody is scared of me. I am very caring with animals because I  clean their poo, train them, take them for a walk and lots more. Listening to that, do you believe that I could work here and be a great zookeeper?



The night zoo keeper by Aaron

I believe that I would be the best night zoo keeper in the world because… I would fight to protect the lives of animals , I would go through any pain to stop harm coming to animals because I love animals. I have animals of my own and I care for them a lot. I feed them well and they are well trained. I have two dogs, a parrot and a cute little hamster. Nothing! Can take them away from me. I declare that all the wonderful animals of the night zoo will be well protected from the evil, gruesome monsters of planet Nilth.

Night zoo keeper application by Rebekah

I strongly believe that I am the best night zoo keeper ever. I heard that you are in need of help at the night zoo so I would like to apply to be a keeper.
Having lots of animals at home, I know when to feed them and how to clean them. I would look for strange movements that could be the monsters of Nilth. I would protect the animals if it cost me my life.
Please consider my application. The animals would be very safe under my keen eye. My experience is excellent but overall the animals matter most.

Nyasha’s Night Zookeeper application

I firmly believe I would make the best zookeeper you’ve ever seen!
I’m experienced with animals as I’ve got pets at home, I love seeing animals at the zoo. If I become Night Zookeeper, I will treat each animal as my very own; help with their amazing talents and protect them from the evil monsters of Nilth.
Furthermore, I love fighting monsters. My best qualities are being observant and fighting evil monsters. If anything suspicious is happening, I’ll be the first to first to notice.
Overall, I know I’ll be an outstanding Night Zookeeper. I defiantly won’t let you down.

The Sacred box by Max.

She crept through the hallway as quiet as a mouse  leaping into the shadows whenever she heard a noise. In the middle of the hallway was an exquisite golden chest. Curiousity and temptation forced her to peep into the key hole and saw a shard of Mithril. But when she lifted the lid all she saw was a mirror and in the reflection was an imorpheous  figure. It kept changing shape until it morphed into something she knew only to well. It’s red eyes burned with hatred and it’s cloak shimmered silver moonlight.

The mystery box by Jake

It was one day till her birthday. Caroline was jumping with joy screeching ” I want it to be tomorrow.”

” Tea time,” mum shouted. Caroline zoomed downstairs and went into the dining hall. When she finished she had 1 more hour until she went to bed. So she decided to play with her dolls. When the hour was up she ran up to bed. The day of her birthday seemed like it will never come but it finally did. At 7:00am she woke up, her family was downstairs. The first present she saw was a box. She first thought it was cake. But when she lifted the lid…