The end of The Lord by Nicholas

He was to find a glimmer of Light. It was slowly melting his sad horrible sly soul.He laughed to find greenery falling out of the bag full of imagination. You could hear humour. There was a burst of colour that made him weaker every second . He shut the bag and he held it as tight as he could, but the bag burst open .It flew round the room and the darkness became bright . There was happiness in the room and out popped a genie. There was good happiness and imagination throughout the room . Enjoyment filled the room with energy.Suddenly there was a burst of screaming and a little leprechaun popped out. The Lord popped the leprechaun and said “pop goes the weasel.”

The night zoo keeper by Abigail

He was shocked to find a half human half horse creature “I thought I dealt with you before “he said with despair . The horse like creature turned to the door and gave a laugh as she left lots of things like unicorns and elephants in pink fluffy slippers, happiness then laughter came from the corridor .”After a minute of achievement “he let out with a roar “get him now”then he said again “get him now you” …………there was silence his mean and vicious lip turned into a upside-down rainbow . Sir I have never seen you smile like this . Ha ha if we kill that animal all imagination will be lost . Sadly the creature was killed . Only eternal darkness ” now I will rule ”
But sir there is nothing to rule .

The fall of Nulth by Dongnan

He was shocked to find a furry snake, and it’s owner belonged to an ashen-grey goat. It’s lethal hooves scythed the ground, and billows of smoke trailed from it. Lord Nulth coughed, he had never seen such a creature before.
“Why have you not eradicated it yet?!” yelled Lord Nulth loudly. His frail, helpless arms pointed to his slaves.
“Take it to the clone machine!” exclaimed Lord Nulth, his gnarly fingers cupped onto his chin.

A pang of envy stretched from one eye to the other.’This is not going to be easy’…

“Rebbelion uprising” by Max

He was shocked to find … hope. The exquisite, everlasting light of hope remained in this world of dread. Flowing from the shadows of the bag, the beam of light lifted the veil of darkness, ripping through it as if it were paper and ricocheting off the walls like a pinball.

The Lord of Nulth was enraged – his eyes flickering, trying to process the information. His demonic, grotesque face shuddering from digestion of all he had seen. For he saw ; imagination, picturesque fields, exotic rain-forests, leviathanesque oceans and what troubled him most- a night zoo keeper.” General! Mobilise our forces at once: we’re going to war”…

Rise of the Probe by Haris

He was shocked to find a demonic piece of machinery (or at least that’s what he thought!) Lord Nulth was not satisfied with this situation. He saw a vision of children playing,people smiling and happiness! As soon as he came out of the vision,flowing from the darkness came a leprechaun and as well as that stood a unicorn. The guards had fainted and a beam of light penetrated the roof.

Eventually,the piece of machinery (probe) revealed itself and the Lord Nulth was enraged! The probe struck lightning on the Lord Nulth. The metallic probe had brought imagination as the Lord Nulth was dead!

The zoo keeper. By Jessica.

He was shocked to find…lots and lots of laughter and lots of smiles. There were lots of bright colours and lots of dreams in these dreams there was a chocolate river, talking fruit also trees that grow money on them. Every time lord Nulth saw or herd his nails also, his noes became smaller and smaller. He then became weaker and weaker. As he became weak he then became smaller then ,he grew hair. After that he got cute big eyes ,at the very end he became a cute cuddly warm panda teddy bear. All the robots crowded around this teddy and they stopped , stared.

The night zookeeper by Jessica

He was shocked to find …. a multicoloured bunny that could talk. As he opened the sack different coloured bunnies jumped at him. One of the bunnies knocked his pointed metal nose off. His sharp fingers got in way of the red bunny it bit two of his metal fingers off.
“Owwwwww” shouted Lord Nulth making a terrible sound.

The robotic creatures looked out the window, trees had appeared and all the colour was back. Robotic creatures began to explode as the sights were too much for their eyes to take in. Lord Nulth just disappeared. The bunnies were free and everything was back to normal.

The mysterious creature by Amy

He was shocked to find an unconscious girl, lay as still as the moon. She was not an ordinary girl, for she had mysterious gills on her neck. Lord Nulth gasped in fear because he had never seen a creature as unusual as this.” We do not know her species sire,” exclaimed the robotic, lethal guard.
” I know that you idiotic robots!,” bellowed Lord Nulth in fury. ” Take her to the dungeon!.” Lord Nulth had decied to keep her because she looked like she had a mammoth imagination. All he needed was a few tips, and then the entire galaxy would be his, but his plans wern’t going to go the way he thought…

The night zookeeper by Rebecca

He was shocked to find ,that when he opened the dirty tightened bag ,slowly as it got wider although he was fearless . At first all he saw was a dark empty bag, he went to slap one of his robots, when the bag moved … he stepped cautiously towards the bag with his mighty claws before him . A small puppy’s head poked out of the bag . Nulth frowned with his grey narrowed eyes following .
He sniggered “Put it in a cage!” he said letting out a smile of darkness .
Suddenly as his robots pulled the puppy from the bag it emerged from a small loveable puppy to a huge beast ! It let out a huge roar as it stared at Nulth . He ran but the dog was quicker…He picked him up with one big gulp,swallowing him whole, Nulth was never heard of again…

War of imagination!!!

As he opened the sack and peered in,he was shocked!!! A blast of imagination burst towards him,it was a person who was really bright and always imagined flying fish and talking pigs. Lord Nulth started to feel this ,him and his army started to break away and melt.The little boy sprang away ,during that time all the darkness started to fade into brightness. Lord Nulth started melting and breaking quicker.The robot animals came back as normal animals.As for Lord Nulth all that was left of him was a pile of ashes,clothes and his old,rusty helmet,he was gone.