Gamelan Project

Yesterday year 6 had so much fun at the music centre. We were busy all day and enjoyed it very much. The gamelan instruments were fantastic and we found out some information about them. Did you know that gamelan instruments come from Indonesia? We also worked as a group to choreograph some dance moves. Once we’d had the chance to experience both of these things we picked a favourite and then it was time for the hard work to begin.
The rest of the day was spent in groups composing and choreographing. Our work is based on a story of a young boy who stops pirates stealing a merchants boat which contains jewels. The young man was thanked by being allowed to work on the boat. The boy worked hard and became very rich, one day he became stranded on the island where his mother lived. Excited to see her son his mother rushed to find him, the son however was embarrassed by his mother and pretended he did not know her. The mother became angry, putting a curse on her son she conjured up a storm and turned the boy to stone.
By the end of the week we will be able to tell this story through dance and music.

The devil gets another by Naife

Tom was chasing Jerry, who was runningquickly, up the wooden stairs with a long thick carpet Tom gripped and pulled the carpet .A massive blackpiano flew on top on him killed Tom, the nasty,blue cat. To a golden gateway he approached, there was a cat in a golden little station. Behind him a golden gate it was coldthe cat said you need a good report from Jerry to got to heaven. Tom rushed down he got presents he had an hour to get it signed, he got Jerry cheese ,cake , presents to be friendbut Tom only has a minute left Jerry had ink to sign it then tom picked it up and refilled it but to late the clock dinged dropped went in tom and Tom was getting burned and never been seen again.

Journey to hell by Georgia

Kate and Thomas were in the lounge watching television but then Kate started to put on Barbie, then they started to fight over the remote control. Thomas started RUNNING up the stairs but Kate dragged Thomas down and he died. Kate thought he was just being stupid.

Then a bright shiny stairs came and Thomas started to walk up the stairs, a GATEWAY was there and it said heavenly express. He asked for a ticket but the conductor didn’t have one so the man gave Thomas a letter and gave him one minute. He started to get COLD. He ran down the path and into the house. He started to beg Kate to sign the letter but she said no. Then Thomas went into a BLACK hole that led to hell…

The gateway to hell by Dongnan

Clumsily, Elenna stumbled across the branches, cold sweat exuding down her cheeks, her friend obediently running beside her. There was only one final chance to save her wolf. Time was ticking away quickly, anxiety in her face, distorted with fury! Then all of a sudden she saw a humongous gateway leading to hell, the black night sky looming over. Taking a deep breath she rushed to the escalator and braced herself. To her surprise, she saw her wolf raising its’ front legs in amazement. 

She had done it, she took a deep satisfying breath.”What a relief!” exclaimed Elenna.

The demon strikes again by Thomas

Quickly,Jerry started runningaway from Tom . Jerry tried
and tried to get up the coldblackstairs, Tom was making it harder.Suddenly the massive ,tall cupboard fell onto Tom and killed him! Jerry was surprised then Tom saw a staircase so he went up them.
When Tom got up to the top he saw heaven but then the gateway keeper gave Tom a contract that Jerry had to sign so that Tom didn’t go to hell! When Tom went to ask Jerry he took him some cake but he still didn’t sign it , Tom was angry very angry. Then suddenly the clock struck the demon was coming for Tom !!! Would he make friendswith Jerry in the future …..

One last chance by Max

Clumsily, Julie stumbled across the cobbles, she had one final chance to redeem herself. An icy fear crept up her spine as she remembered her fate. She only took one glimpse of the torture and abuse in hell.Determined not to fail she raced to the scene.

A muscular stallion , as black as death, revealed itself from the shadows. The creature careered towards her and with one move of its’ leg it swatted her aside. An ear- piercing cry echoed throughout the land and the gateway to hell appeared she heard the shrieks of tortured souls. Her friend was…dead!

The man who spoke by Conner

CRASH! BANG! SMASH! The horrifying big piano came down with a big thud. At that point the gateway to heaven was clear to Tom. As Tom walked up the coldgateway a man,with a black suit, greeted Tom.

Tom you must get your mousefriend said the man.
Tom awoke and he ran to the hole which within is Jerry’s home. Tom took a cake to try to make Jerry to sigh but Jerry thought it was a trap ,so he grabbed the pen and squirted ink in Toms face. His time was over. He awoke and it was all a dream!