Promise by Max


Dear world leaders,

 14 years ago you made a promise,114 million children were unable to get to school, your promise was to change that. Now 57 million remain and you have 1 year to fulfil that promise. On behalf of Lucy and the other children I would like to hold you to that promise. 1/3 of the 57 million are disabled because we don’t provide enough medical attention to cure them. I hope you see my point , give the gift of life together we can make a difference .

Letter of opinion by Joshua

Dear world leaders,
In the year 2000 you made promise that by the end of 2015 you would get all 114 million children into school disability or not. You have only done half of that population by the start of 2014. Lucy an 11 year old child who lives in Kenya has a disability in her right leg so she can’t straighten it. She can’t get to school because it is to far for her to crawl all the way. So now together we can make a difference and actions can speak louder than words. Try and think of a solution to get the rest of the 57 million into school by this time next year.

Lucy’s letter by Rebecca

Is it fair that we go to school and 57million children don’t? You made a promise in 2000 and thankfully you have made good achivements. Next year is 2015 and that was your deadline . Is this achievable , could you make it better?
In Kenya it’s not like schools here , they don’t have enough teachers and it’s hard to even get to school . For children like Lucy it’s a dream to go to school but for some it’s too far to walk because they have disabilities . 24million children have disabilities and are missing out on education. Can we help these children to go to school? Let’s all work together and help. Thank you.

My letter of opinion by Amy

Dear world leaders,
As you know, in the year 2000 you promised that all children would have education. You have made good progress but there are still 57 million children that don`t go to school and 24 million of them are disabled.

I hope you realise 2015 is next year. A girl called Lucy has a disease that has made her disabled. You can provide children like her with a wheelchair or crutches. You made a promise. We are lucky and you have to make other children lucky too. I hope you understand me and consider my options.

Yours sincerely

You promised by Conner

In the year 2000 you promised that you will give education to all children by 2015 . Only a half of 114 million have education . A third of those children have disabilities. The education of those young children lies in your hands only you can change it. There is a young 11 year old girl with polio who has big dreams! You don’t want to crush the dreams of a young girl with big goals so please don’t make a promise that can’t be kept. There are many children like Lucy that don’t have access to school. Please don’t give up on the children we are trusting in you to help.

A holiday in Ireland

As I walked into the,weird named, inn I felt a bit nervous because I’m not used to going in an inn that’s in a different place.Later I got to the checkout and I asked “Please can I have a room?”he answered “Certainly,we have 5 spare rooms.”I was a bit confused about what he said because some of the sounded like a foreign Language because of his accent.When he showed me the room,it was fantastic with the neat bedding ,useful refreshments and the perfect sized bathroom so I started unpacking. In the evening I had fish and chips but the other people had food I hadn’t seen before. That night I had a perfect bed it was really comfortable like a cloud of fluff. What a fantastic night.

My strange day. 100 word challenge

Last week saw people who didn’t speak the same language as me. Same language.I said something and they didn’t understand. They tried to talk to me and I didn’t know what they said. It made me feel sad and they went. When I went home I saw my friend and told her what had happened. She people can’t speak English. I said let’s go and play hide and seek. We had lots of fun because we understand one another.

My first day at high school. By Thomas

Today was the day the day I went to Harper green high school. When I got into my first lesson some of the words sounded like a foreign language but I still tried my best anyway .when I got home from school my mum told me I had to go again tomorrow .the next day I went to school again it was a chemistry lesson but I started to understand the words . High school wasn’t so bad at all really!

My day at Harper Green High Joshua

I was in a maths lesson and “some of the words sounded like a foreign language but at first I was a bit confused but eventually I understood and finished it. I wanted another Maths lesson but it was English.In English some of words sounded like a foreign language too but it was interesting learning new words.Then it was Science and that was amazing because we looked inside a green slimy frog’s body. By the end of the day I realised science, maths and English are my favourite subjects what a fantastic day!

My trip to Liverpool by Rebecca

As I made my way through Liverpool ,I was very confused. Some of the words sounded like foreign language.the thing that made it worse were the busy streets.I was talking to someone and he said one minute someone’s ringing on my dog and bone I assumed it meant phone.Also in a distance someone said here’s some chips and curry I couldn’t work that out.I felt like my brain had been crumbled up.How was I to understand all of these words? I couldn’t wait for the day to have finished. Would I ever understand these words?