Reduce reuse recycle



A trip to the tip! What could you do there for a whole day, was Mrs Leighton giving us the rubbish.
A truely fantastic day, the children were engaged and enthusiastic. The staff from the recycle centre certainly knew their rubbish, they kept the children informed and motivated. Hands on sessions were great, lots of resources for the children to get to grips with. Class 10 learnt a lot, as did the staff who accompanied them. They were so fired up about helping to make a change that they have planned a workshop for parents, staff, governors and Eco team after school.

The Skinny Man

Excitedly,I went to Families pizza hunt it’s a huge restaurant bigger then any restaurant in the world.Me and my family were eating until,I got lost my family about me so they went back home.I had to stay in Families pizza hunt ,after two years it was abandoned,it was dark,I could hear children singing when there wasn’t any.

I rapidly ran upstairs there was a skinny man in the old empty dining room “you have to get out of here or I will hunt you down,”shouted the skinny man.
I said”I can’t,”
“Fine then,”
The restaurant started to rumble, I didn’t know what to do so I ran downstairs the skinny man teleported to me and used magic to stab me with knifes! The skinny man took out the counter and threw it at me but, I dogged it and it smashed the door I ran as fast as I can I ran to a strangers house to live there

Into Oblivion by Max

Swiftly, the crows retreated from the derelict, foreboding city, squawking incoherently. Where was everyone? Why were the birds flying away? These questions ravaged my brain like mist invading a city. Ominously, the leviathanesque sky-scrapers towered above me like titans, casting sinister shadows over the alley. Fear corrupted my thoughts, clawing away at them as my muscles clamped together. I could feel a dark presence in my mind slowly overcoming my self consciousness. What was that I could feel?

I found myself in a sort of mist, memories flashing in front of my eyes then being discarded, sent into oblivion – a place beyond this life…

Somebody by Amy

“DING, DANG, DONG!!!.” As I walked into the classroom, it struck midnight. The room was a pool of darkness, and it was as dark as death. I tiptoed around the room, skilfully dodging the chairs. Quickly, I grabbed my homework book and dashed for the door, but when I tried to open it, it wouldn’t budge. Somebody had locked it! Somebody was the roaming the school corridors, after midnight!

What was that I could feel? I was sure I could feel a breath, tickling the back of my neck!…

The paint balling by Harvey

“3,2,1,go! Shouted the instructor,and off we went into the forest,hiding from the enemy.All of a sudden what was that I could feel ,ouch I had been shot in the back by a paint ball .Oh no ! My dad was still in the game.Would I be in the next game?Will my dad be ok? My dad is strong and stealthy he’ll be just fine,ouch my back hurts.

Updated Stig of the Dump (cave description)

He was lying in a kind of shelter. Looking up he could see a roof, or a part of a roof, made of elder branches, a very rotten carpet, and rusty old sheets of iron.

He’d never seen anything like the collection of bits and pieces, odds and ends, bric-a-brac and old brock, that this Stig creature had lying about his den. There were stones and bones, fossils and bottles, skins and tins, stacks of sticks and hanks of string. There were motor car tyres and hats from old scarecrows, nuts and bolts and bobbles from brass bedsteads. There was a coal scuttle full of dead electric light bulbs and a basin with rusty screws and nails in it. There was a pile of bracken and newspapers that looked as if it were used for a bed.

First, the plumbing. Where the water dripped through a crack in the roof of the cave he had wedged the mud-guard of a bicycle. The water ran along this, through the tube of a vacuum-cleaner, and into a big can with writing on it. By the side of this was a plastic football carefully cut in half, and Stig dipped up some water and offered it to Barney. Barney had swallowed a mouthful before he made out the writing on the can: it said WEEDKILLER. However, the water only tasted of rust and rubber.

Eventually, the veil of darkness parted to reveal small details Barney could not see before. Crevices studied the walls which were hidden behind huge mounds of miscallaeneous. Sage creepers draped from the leviathanesque cliff like natural curtains. He strolled through the cave, the bracken clawing at his legs, toward the disproportionate humanoid figure watching him. The being spoke incoherently in a language of grunts and snorts Barney only understood one word – Stig. He figured that that was his name (and a peculiar one at that…)

‘Rise of the Covenant’ by Max

Swiftly, he sprinted through the forest, the mountainous trees towering above him like leviathanesque spires. Suddenly a shadow appeared above him. ‘What is that,’ private Jenkins asked as a picturesque beam of light fell upon his fire team. The light was so bright that everyone stood momentarily stunned and mezmorized, as the night was ignited with light. But that moment was enough. The fire team slowly ascended into the unknown…..

‘ Mortumee’ stood behind them his active camouflage only leaving slight clues he was there. Silently he signalled for his forces ( the elites ) to open fire and they did so without remorse. The humans remained in a crumpled pile of limbs and charred armour ,pink shards protruding from their flesh. The war had begun…..

The Mysterious Space Ship By Maysun.

Slowly,calmly I was walking up the hill. When it was going to be sunset I would sit down and gaze at it until it was completely out of sight. Suddenly, when the sunset was nearly over a light was so bright that it looked like I was blind.

After 15 minutes I woke up and stared at everyone.

“Where am I ?” I said looking confused.

” You are in a space ship,” they said

I stared at them ,who looked like humans and wore ridiculous t- shirts and jeans.

“It’s nearly the end of the world. And you can save the world. I stared at them surprised….

The mysterious night by Rebecca

I sat in the garden , stargazing at every silver spot . The stars danced around happily with each other . I lay in the long grass quietly as a small breeze tickled my face. The night was beautiful .
From the corner of my eye I spotted a bulging light coming towards my garden . Having no idea what it was I hid behind a table like a cat waiting to get wet . Lights turned on as a metal sphere landed. It was so bright that I was almost blinded . At that moment I realised it was a spaceship! Grass blew into my face , tasting of mud and dandelions . I went to investigate , the ship had no windows or doors , it was just a oval with powers . Or as I assumed . As I walked to the front of the oval and stared for minutes until it opened …

The girl that spotted a light

Exhausted,the girl ran towards her house crying ,sobbing. A blinding light that was so bright caught her attention she crept ,tiptoed up to the cave .She walked in and eyed a bright lit candle.

The candle flickered,sparked and a dark ,gloomy shadow came and appeared through.
“Come closer my friend,”He bellowed.
“I only came to see why there is a bright light,”replied the girl.
“Oh my little friend,”said the dark man again.
She stepped forward.
“Goodbye,” scoffed the man.
She fell down a deep hole. The little girl screamed and the man laughed loudly!!