The demon strikes again by Thomas

Quickly,Jerry started runningaway from Tom . Jerry tried
and tried to get up the coldblackstairs, Tom was making it harder.Suddenly the massive ,tall cupboard fell onto Tom and killed him! Jerry was surprised then Tom saw a staircase so he went up them.
When Tom got up to the top he saw heaven but then the gateway keeper gave Tom a contract that Jerry had to sign so that Tom didn’t go to hell! When Tom went to ask Jerry he took him some cake but he still didn’t sign it , Tom was angry very angry. Then suddenly the clock struck the demon was coming for Tom !!! Would he make friendswith Jerry in the future …..

One thought on “The demon strikes again by Thomas

  1. A good ending to your writing Thomas. You leave the reader wanting to know what happens next. Your description describes your ideas very well and I like the way you have said ‘Tom was angry, very angry,’ as this shows clearly how he was feeling. Could you change ‘massive, tall cupboard’ as these two words have a similar meaning?

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