The devil gets another by Naife

Tom was chasing Jerry, who was runningquickly, up the wooden stairs with a long thick carpet Tom gripped and pulled the carpet .A massive blackpiano flew on top on him killed Tom, the nasty,blue cat. To a golden gateway he approached, there was a cat in a golden little station. Behind him a golden gate it was coldthe cat said you need a good report from Jerry to got to heaven. Tom rushed down he got presents he had an hour to get it signed, he got Jerry cheese ,cake , presents to be friendbut Tom only has a minute left Jerry had ink to sign it then tom picked it up and refilled it but to late the clock dinged dropped went in tom and Tom was getting burned and never been seen again.

One thought on “The devil gets another by Naife

  1. Some excellent description in your writing Naife. You have set the scene really well here. I like your phrase ‘to a golden gateway he approached.’ Just remember to check your punctuation in your writing.

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