The gateway to hell by Dongnan

Clumsily, Elenna stumbled across the branches, cold sweat exuding down her cheeks, her friend obediently running beside her. There was only one final chance to save her wolf. Time was ticking away quickly, anxiety in her face, distorted with fury! Then all of a sudden she saw a humongous gateway leading to hell, the black night sky looming over. Taking a deep breath she rushed to the escalator and braced herself. To her surprise, she saw her wolf raising its’ front legs in amazement. 

She had done it, she took a deep satisfying breath.”What a relief!” exclaimed Elenna.

One thought on “The gateway to hell by Dongnan

  1. An excellent use of adverbs and adjectives to describe in your writing Dong Nan. You have used personification well for effect and you really have created a clear image in your readers’ mind. You have also used some excellent vocabulary in here which has helped you create the suspense you intended! Well done! Could you have used a ; or a : in your writing?

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