The fall of Nulth by Dongnan

He was shocked to find a furry snake, and it’s owner belonged to an ashen-grey goat. It’s lethal hooves scythed the ground, and billows of smoke trailed from it. Lord Nulth coughed, he had never seen such a creature before.
“Why have you not eradicated it yet?!” yelled Lord Nulth loudly. His frail, helpless arms pointed to his slaves.
“Take it to the clone machine!” exclaimed Lord Nulth, his gnarly fingers cupped onto his chin.

A pang of envy stretched from one eye to the other.’This is not going to be easy’…

2 thoughts on “The fall of Nulth by Dongnan

  1. what a wonderful piece of writing Dongnan! you have really got evil into it with your description of the Lord. I can see him in my head and I’m glad he is in a story and not real. I particularly like the way you have written about some of the senses. That again helps to build characters and shows excellent writing!.

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