100 wc by Jamie-Leigh

Kelly heard her teacher, the head teacher an all the parents talking about the school holidays.she was worried. Kelly walked back to her class, stood at the front and announced what she heard. 

 ” I heard Mrs Smith , Mr Reynolds and all our parents talking about the school holidays, they said we should have 6 weeks in school then  only 1 week off! 

” Quick, mrs smiths coming” said Stacey.

When Mrs Smith came into the classroom she discussed the matter with the children and said

Meetings were held across the country to find an answer to poor work, and the answer was to have 6 weeks in school and 1 Week off.

All the children sighed because from then on that arrangement happened 

2 thoughts on “100 wc by Jamie-Leigh

  1. Goodness! I do hope this doesn’t happen!
    A super, original post Jamie-Leigh. I like your use of a short sentence here: ‘she was worried.’ Very dramatic. It should have a capital letter at the start though. In the future, it may be worth checking all your sentences have capital letters at the start and for proper nouns – have another look at this.
    I’ll keep an eye out for more of your excellent posts. Well done.

    Mrs Pickervance
    Team 100 Word Challenge

    • Thank you for your reply, from now on I shall check my work three times. Thanks for loving my work and keeping an eye out for more.

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