The boys who got lost by Naife

Excitedly,Ibrahim and I rushed to the park something got my attention a sign saying “come in for candy!” As I went in Ibrahim followed me as the door closed behind us,I tried to open the door but it wouldn’t open. As I looked around I saw dolls not ordinary dolls the dolls which stare at you I panicked and said”Ibrahim what are we going to do” Ibrahim was standing still shocked pointing at a doll the doll looked like me.

As I ran to the doll touching his hand suddenly light flashed before my eyes Ibrahim disappeared iv been expecting you…

One thought on “The boys who got lost by Naife

  1. Well done , you made me want to read on with how you started off your story. Take care to use more punctuation though. For example; As i looked around i saw dolls, not ordinary dolls, the dolls which stare at you.Using the punctuation i have added would make the reader pause more and give a greater effect. You make me want to know what happens next with how well you ended your 100WC piece of writing.

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