Being In Year 6… By Rebecca

This year has been my most memorable part throughout primary school. I have worked my way through SATS, been on fun trips with my fiends and improved so much in my work. Going into high school is going to be a big step but I am ready. I am going to miss all the teachers and my best friend Amy. The tea party was amazing ; Karaoke,sweets,dancing and a lot of messing around. I may have to leave some of my friends behind but I will always remember them and everyone from primary.Everyone looked smart and beautiful at the tea party; Dresses, tuxedo and very smart clothes. Before all this pressure was put on our backs as the hall filled with parents and students, ready to watch out performance. It went so well,I also cried a little as well as parents. I was the most happiest I could be when the teachers announced my name for the “pupil of the year ” award! I was so happy.

Above all I am so happy with the education and fun I have had  with friends,family and teachers. I wish all the year fives good luck with SATS and good luck to all pupils at St-James primary.

Thank you for making year 6 a great Year for me and my friends.

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