100 word challenge by Max

Deep down inside the basement where no-one dared to go was a cupboard. A cupboard full of secrets, a cupboard full of lies. My father ,whom I despised with my mind and soul, often visited that cupboard since the death of my cousin. I wandered towards the cupboard , personally I would never dream of opening that cupboard,but I forced myself to do it. And when I opened the cupboard door my worst fears were confirmed. I felt an unconsolable rage surge throughout me. It was as if my darker self was overcoming me. That’s when I blacked out …

6 thoughts on “100 word challenge by Max

  1. What a creepy story, Max! I really like the phrase’ I felt an unconsolable rage surge thtoughout me’ Well done!

  2. You start with a gripping opening sentence, Max. The rest of your story holds ones attention too and you finish on a cliff edge. Well done.

  3. Hi, I hate the sound of that cupboard! What happened to your cousin, was it the cupboard? Hope you can answer all these questions, I will keep looking! Amazing post as well!

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