The unexplainable creature by Conner

I was sat upstairs in the isolated house. Suddenly a creak came from bellow me, I picked the bat at the side of my bed, then leisurely walked down the stairs. I stopped at the end and peered round the corner and noticed the cupboard was open. I sneaked through the hall and heard an unusual sound, and when I opened the door an unexplainable creature looked up and stared at me with his devilish eyes. Then suddenly it ran for the door and got out the cat flap, the creature was never ever seen by mankind ever again, until…

2 thoughts on “The unexplainable creature by Conner

  1. Oh Conner, what a scary story and so full of suspense! This had me literally sitting on the edge of my seat. Great descriptions and writing. I especially like “the devillish eyes” as this gives me a great picture in my head of your monster or creature. I also love how you very effectively created a stunning cliff hanger with just one word…until…I definitely would love to know what happened next. Well done.
    Ms O’Keeffe (Tema 100wc)

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