
Memories of y5

I enjoyed the trip to telco because we tasted food that I had never tasted before.

I enjoyed sports day because I won some races.

I enjoyed the food revolution when I made healthy crackers for the teachers. They loved them!

I enjoyed PE with Mr Baxter because he helped me to improve.

Day 2 P.G.L

Flying through the air on the giant trapeze, soaring over the trees on the breath taking swing! Year 6 have been enjoying the views from above the clouds. The teamwork during the problem solving helped us realise that we cannot always complete challenges on our own. A lot of children have achieved more today than yesterday and have over come some of their fears. Robot wars later, can’t wait to find out what it is. Let’s get messy!


Today some of our year sixes set off to P.G.L (parents get lost) so far we have had a wonderful time! When we arrived we had lunch then straight into some activities. Firstly we attempted the vertical challenge we all had so much fun even though some of us got a fright. But then we did the zip wire which most of us had a go at. We can’t wait until tomorrow when we find out what activities we will be doing next.