The U.F.O by Amy

Meetings were held across the country to find an answer. 7 children had gone missing in the last month, all from the same family. They had all disappeared into thin air whilst sleeping. There were no traces of who or what had taken them. Sarah’s mum was worried because   the children that went missing were their relatives. People dared not to go near the family in case they got taken. Sarah was terrified. She seemed crazy to people because she thought aliens were real. Her friends had left her forever. Suddenly her bedroom lights flickered on and off in a repetitive way. Then a U.F.O appeared to take her away…

Calling all mountaineers


We are learning about Mountains in class, we would love to know about the experience of climbing mountains. We were hoping you could share some experiences with us. 

What inspired you to become a mountaineer?

How long have you been a mountaineer?

Do you ever think about giving up while on a climb?

If you could name a mountain what would you call it?

What would happen if you slipped off a mountain?

What is the hardest thing about climbing mountains?

What is the most terrifying mountain you have climbed? What was it like?

Where you scared the first time you tried mountaineering?

Is it exhausting climbing mountains?

What prepartion do you  do before climbing a mountain?

What does it feel like when you reach the summit?

How do you keep going knowing the fact that people die or get injured while on mountains?

What is the best view from…

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Flood by Dongnan

Thumping,raging,crashing the water emanated and thumped against the dam with fury.It wasn’t what I expected,but it was very windy; I felt frightened and horrified, but worse of all I thought my bravery languished! It got wilder and wilder the waves heaved, it was like a nightmare.Dusk fell, until it was nighttime, I wrapped the quilt around me and slept.A vivid light shone on me, I started to get up, I opened the window but all we could see was water! Water everywhere gushing,trickling. I warned my mum and Dad but when I explained it to them they were speechless.

Holiday disaster by Nyasha

Excited, glad, ecstatic! My sister and I ripped open the curtains see the bright sun shine but all we could see was water and not the clear blue sea kind. It was muddy, dirty, horrible, all the sea creatures were dead. I suddenly realised what was going on. A flood! Water  was seeping through the window, it dripped on the floor. It was slowly rising, getting ready to swallow us so we could drown. More and more came rushing in, less air was available. The water was getting out of control! When I realised the time had come I whispered “goodbye world” before disappearing in the water. 

Calling all mountaineers

We are learning about Mountains in class, we would love to know about the experience of climbing mountains. We were hoping you could share some experiences with us. 

What inspired you to become a mountaineer?

How long have you been a mountaineer?

Do you ever think about giving up while on a climb?

If you could name a mountain what would you call it?

What would happen if you slipped off a mountain?

What is the hardest thing about climbing mountains?

What is the most terrifying mountain you have climbed? What was it like?

Where you scared the first time you tried mountaineering?

Is it exhausting climbing mountains?

What prepartion do you  do before climbing a mountain?

What does it feel like when you reach the summit?

How do you keep going knowing the fact that people die or get injured while on mountains?

What is the best view from a mountain?

Have you ever climbed Mount Haushan?

Have you ever climbed K2?

What equipment do you carry with you? Do you need a tent?

Is there a quicker way to get down than to get up?





A day on the beach by Aaron

We were out on the beach on a lovely sunny day. We built sandcastles and swam in the lovely transparent sea. We swam like dolphins in the depths of the dark salty sea(my brother didnt because he cant swim). We started doing backflips and frontflips. We dived into the sea but when i hit the water my blood ran cold my heart beated as fast as a cheeta. We were drowning. We tried to swim up but all we could see was water.

The flood by Conner

Suddenly a huge wave whooshed my brother and I sky high, we plummeted towards the ground our bed drenched in cool, clear water. I looked round,but all we could see was water, crystal clear water swirled round us.I panicked, we screamed for help,I was crying like a flowing water was on my cheek. We saw top`s of churches,house chimneys and our school roof. I shivered with coldness as we got thrown in the air once again. The water began to go down and down until it was only shallow. I sighed with relief. we got home and mum said “who’s up for a boat trip?”
NO, we cried together.

The big storm by Kaiden

Large drops of rain were splashing into the sea. The waves were getting bigger and bigger. I can’t fish any longer. The wind was pushing the boat really fast and we got thrown from the boat into the freezing, cold icy sea. We swam and swam until our arms and legs were sore. The sun came up but all we could see was water. Then far away in the distance there was some land. We tried to swim but we couldn’t make it because our bodies was numb and heavy. The waves pulled us under. We couldn’t fight any longer. The sea had won.