Body By Rebecca Head

Your head to your arms,

your ribs and your thigh,

leg to your foot,

then comes your toes oh my.

The brain the eyebrow,

boggies and bums,

don’t forget your mouth for chewing gum.

Hairs,heart,blood and lungs,

the stuff inside you that goes round your tum.

Lumps and bites,

from midgets and flies.

How does your body work and can you tell me why?


Teeth by DongNan Shi



Teeth don’t recover

skin or hair does

Even when you smash your teeth on stairs!

Teeth breaks 

but don’t matter 

go have a teeth check

because it will soon alter.

Blood by Joshua devine.

Blood is scary .

blood is red .

grusome,grusome blood .

blood is yucky .

blood is grose .

grusome,grusome blood .

blood might make you puke .

blood might make you faint .

grusome,grusome blood .

blood is like a zombie ripping out your skin .

grusome,grusome blood blood blood.



Nails by Conner Mcmullen

They grow faster than girl hair

Nails growing everywhere

Looping, swooping, popping out my socks

Looping, swooping, popping out my socks

Watch out nails time to get ‘CHOPPED’

Your chest is the best by Max

Do you like your chest?

I like mine it’s the best!

There it lies under your vest.

What’s your favourite body part

surely it’s your chest

larger than a tasty tart

Not the thing that makes you fart !!!

good enough to make chart

Big rock hard muscles lie in your chest,

I’ll tell you now it’s the best

What’s the best of the best of the best

It’s your chest!!!!!!!!!!

blood By Amy Berry

Have you ever had a cut?

Seen the blood pouring out?

When you keep cutting yourself your mother keeps going tut tut tut.

Could you imagen blood coming out the kitchen spout?

You pull a tooth out and the blood comes.

Then you get money and money and money.

When a female has a baby it’s covered in blood from your tums.

Blood,blood is a fabulous thing and you wouldn’t live without it.

So when you have a cut think about the fabulous blood,blood,blood…